2022 goals

These last 2 covid years have spun goal setting on its head for me. I am a huge believer in setting goals. They motivate me when I lose focus. They inspire me to keep dreaming when I feel done. They give me things to look forward to.

I am finding lightness in goal setting. I’m… less rigid about nailing the SMART system and more into finding the flow. This allows for shifting by-whens, seasonal and life changes… pandemics! I’m also infusing more joy goals into my life, doing things because they make me smile and letting that be enough of a reason to say yes. A focus for me in 2022 is fully living into my values which are:


Be our whole selves when we’re a lone wolf and one of the pack.

make memories.

Time is sacred. Make memories you want to remember.

be the river.

In the flow, with the flow, catalyst of the flow.

what’s possible.

A question. An answer. A way of being.

Here are my goals for 2022.

I get 12 tattoos in 12 months.

Values: wolfpack. make memories.

Why? It brings me joy and connects me with friends, my self expression, and art. That’s reason enough!

I launch Great Leaders Series.

values: what’s possible. be the river.

Why? It’s time. It’s been brewing for years and I’m ready to share my wisdom and methodology in a one badass program that I know changes workplaces and the people who run them. I LOVE teaching and growing leaders. To more of this in 2022.

I work with clients I love and who love me.

Values: be the river. wolfpack. make memories.

Why? This has been an anchor goal for me for the past few years. I find it important to keep this on the list as to not forget — everyday I get to help people shine. When they shine, I shine. When I shine, they shine. I want more shining in 2022. This goal helps keep my impact, integrity, and essence in alignment.

I learn to rest.

Values: be the river. wolfpack.

Why? I don’t know how and I know it’s the last piece of a bigger puzzle of healing. This means more space between things. More doing ‘nothing.’ Less identify tied to my output. Less colonial leadership. More wholeness, kindness, softness. There is so much I can say about this goal… its impact on my work and life.

I run a half marathon.

Values: what’s possible. make memories.

Why? See what I’m capable of physically and mentally. After years of breaking up, I have finally fallen in love with running. The longer I run, the more my brain clears and my soul flies. My body feels strong and free. I adventure to new and old places that I experience through the seasons. This is an anchor for other micro goals like drinking 3.5L of water/day, eating cleaner, and prioritizing rest.

I next level my leadership.

Values: be the river. wolfpack. what’s possible. make memories.

Why? I have been on an unlearning journey to be a more whole, decolonized, and safe leader and coach. This year I became a certified Enneagram iEQ9 coach. I will continue to access this tool to better understand myself, others, and the world with the goal of collective care and impact. This journey keeps going.

What are your goals for 2022?


GoSolo Entrepreneur Series


things I’ve learned after 7,500 hrs of coaching people