2025 goals

Every year, I host FOCUS, a vision and goal-setting retreat to get clear on the year ahead. We gather in community to reflect, connect, dream and create our focus — what we want to give our time and energy to.

I am a big believer in leading by example. So, without adieu, here are my goals for 2025.

FOCUS for 2025:

Be the River (flow).

This is one of my core values. It means being in flow and a catalyst for flow. I want this year to be about flowing creatively and energetically. There are four key areas I seek to be in flow for 2025:

  1. Creativity, creative expression, art and writing

  2. Physically, somatically

  3. My craft of facilitation

  4. Community

My 2025 goals

I create two journals.

I have wanted to create a journal since writing arriving back in 2020. So, in the spirit of creativity, why not two?! 💁🏻‍♀️ I’m keeping the details on the DL for now, and stay tuned for updates.

I am pain-free (or as close as can be).

Recently, I’ve acknowledged that I have been in chronic pain… for years. It’s part an old ski injury that tore my rotator cuff in 2008, part from having single-sided deafness for over 10 years, part from aging (!!) and not stretching enough and pushing myself beyond healthy — all the things we do! But it’s become pain that wakes me up at night and limits my ability to function wholly. So it’s time to take care of this one body I’ve got. I’m committing to simple things like stretching and strengthening, using that massage gun that sits uncharged, and that foam roller you may also have tucked into a closet. When I worked with Nurse Next Door, we talked about Happier Aging and how that starts today (not when we are retired). I’m choosing happier aging today.

If you are in chronic pain, I see you and acknowlege the effort it takes.

I’m all in on team development.

I’ve been facilitating for over 15 years. I love it. I’m obsessed with the art and science of holding space and bringing people together. I have facilitated everything from client success, leadership, onboarding, strategic planning, how to sell snowshoes and set up a tent (MEC days!), systems and processes, and team success. What I love most is team development. I love helping people commited to shared goals shine. With that, I’ve updated my facilitation offerings to focus on teams being better together with three core programs.

I exist and operate in relationship.

For the past years, I have been in the practice of decolonizing. With the support of two amazing mentors and friends, Terri Rutty and Ta7talíya Nahanee, This has involved deep work on my privilege and whiteness, researching my ancestry, letting go of perfection (among many things!) and learning and unlearning about colonialism around the world, and taking action to create equity. To me, this work is critical to not only being a great coach but to being a great human, period. I want everyone to be able to be their whole selves. This year, I am even more commited to the practice of community care and being in relations with the people I work with. Everything is rooted in humanity.

I (finally!) faciliate a womxn’s leadership program.

This one has been on my radar for some time. And… it’s time. Join me October 4-5 in Squamish for SHINE Womxn’s Leadership Program

I co-create communities of care that uplift.

In complement to the above goal, this is the year for community. For me, this comes in three parts:

  • Raising the bar in the coaching industry to be a safer place for marginalized and racialized people. My friend and incredible coach Huong Bui and I are in talks about a coaches group to uplift our profession.

  • Building a community of support for white womxn in the work of decolonizing. This work is isolating and hard. And it’s made easier doing it together. My friend Julia Hulbert and I planning this together.

  • Continuing to grow my community here in Ucluelet where I live. When you live in a town of 2,000 people, community means everything.

I make art for the sake of art.

I have been an artist my whole life, mostly behind closed doors. This year, I’m committing to writing, painting, exploring galleries and appreciating art and the artists who courageously put their hearts on canvas and substack. And with AI dominating every nook and cranny, it’s more important than ever to uplift art. I think our world doesn’t celebrate art enough. But art is everything from healing to activism, love, and humanity. It’s a big part of who I am I’m ready to have more of it in my life.

I cross step with confidence.

My surf goal for 2025!

There you have it, my goals for 2025. What are yours?


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