2023 goals
This year I had the joy of hosting FOCUS mini-retreat in Squamish for 20 womxn. We gathered on a cozy November weekend to reflect on the past year, to vision and set goals for the coming year.
I am finding lightness in goal setting. I’m… less rigid about nailing the SMART system and more into finding the flow. This allows for shifting by-whens, seasonal and life change, and goals that can’t be controlled by a fixed end point. Goals aren’t meant to be gatekeepers of our time. They aren’t supposed to bring us shame or bring us to our knees.
The purpose of goals is to focus what we want to say yes to.
To make memories that matter.
Every day I am reminded how short life is. We’re here and then… not. The time is always now. Someday never comes. So here’s to making today be the day.
Here are my goals for 2022.
I work with clients I love and who love me.
This is an anchor goal I have every single year. I find it important to keep it on the goal list to remember — everyday I get to help people shine. When they shine, I shine. When I shine, they shine. This goal helps keep my impact, integrity, and essence in alignment.
I build mastery in my craft.
I’m obsessed with the art of coaching and the art of facilitation. This year I am committed to refining what it means to hold space for deep transformation and exponential growth. To create brave spaces that are inclusive and honouring. This means sharpening my sword though experimenting with new techniques I’m been developing, taking courses, attending experiences, and accessing mentorship. I’m really excited to continue building mastery in my craft.
I run a half marathon (again)
Last year I ran my first half marathon, self-supported in Pacific Rim National Park on the first hot day in July. I learned a lot about what it means to say 100% yes to a goal, to care for my body, and to really focus against mental blocks. I’m doing it again, this time with more knowledge and experience. The goal is to do it with less struggle and with more lightness and maturity. Maybe even fun!
I continue the unlearning
Social justice and decolonizing is a goal without an end point. I’m continue being in this deep important work. My focus the last few years has included pro bono coaching to help BIPOC womxn get opportunities to shine and be paid their worth. As well as continuing to study, practice, try and try again to be a catalyst for creating a world where everyone can be themselves. This work has moved from being hard and shame-ridden to more easeful and forward-moving. The less I spiral in my own stuff the quicker I integrate into a new way.
I run 3 self-led retreats and more for others
Every year running a business I learn more about what I want to rise into, and more of what I’m ready to shed. In enneagram world this is called going through the eye of the needle. This year I am embracing my love of and deep strengths in guiding group experiences. I normally lead 2 retreats a year — this year I’m doing three. About things I deeply care about, in community, in nature. I’m committed to hosting more team and leadership retreats. More enneagram, more group process, more shared learning. This is where I shine.
I say goodbye to Squamish and hello to Ucluelet
For the past two years I’ve been living between Ucluelet and Squamish, building a little cabin and running a new business with my husband. It’s been amazing and absolutely comes with great privilege. This year I noticed a nagging misalignment in my life and I realized that it was a need to be rooted and grounded, in one place and one community. It’s always been in our vision to move to Ucluelet, and we’ve decided that the time is now. This will be our last winter, spring and summer in Squamish. Hello to a new place to call home.
What are your goals for 2023?